Monday 12 June 2017

Unit 1 - Skills development in performing arts

Thursday 12th January
Today we were focusing on singing.
To start off the lesson we carried out a singing warmup. This consisted of major scales and arpeggios which were both accompanied by the piano. We also carried out the exercise ‘va va vi vi’ which works on major scales.
For the main part of the lesson we focused on learning the lyrics and tune to ‘We are family’. We mainly focused on the second verse as this is quite a difficult tune. As a class, we then made the decision that we were going to divide the verses up into 4 small parts. This meant that 4 of us would get a small solo part. I was given the first half of the first verse. I felt quite nervous singing this solo part in front of my peers as I haven’t had much singing practice before. This is also completely different to singing in the studio. Because I was quite nervous about singing on my own, Cara sang it with me so I felt a bit more confident and could hear the tune.
For the last part of the lesson Emily and Danielle ran through the song that they would be singing in the performance which is called ‘Groove is in the heart’. However, Cara then decided that it would be nice for me and Angel to also sing with them. We were asked to sing the choruses throughout the song. 

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