Monday 12 June 2017

Unit 1 - Skills development in performing arts

Monday 16th January
The main aim of today’s lesson was to focus on improving our improvisation skills. During the lesson we were set 2 different improvisation tasks which we carried out.
The first task that we carried out looked at contrasting characters within improvisation. We focused on the features that were needed to define these contrasting characters such as facial expressions, body language, gestures, etc. We then applied these to our characters and the situations given to us by our lecturer, Cara. Here are some links to the improvisation tasks that we carried out:
After we carried out each of these short improvised scenes, we were given some feedback from our lecturer. Some of this feedback is included within the videos. The main piece of feedback that I was given was to try and explore the situation a bit more. I need to be more confident and react a bit more realistically to the situations.
The second task which we carried out was short one line improvisations. For this our lecturer, Cara gave us an opening line of the scene which one of us had to repeat and then we both had to carry on the scene. Here are some links to the videos of us carrying out these tasks:
After each task we again had feedback from our lecturer. The main piece of feedback which we were both given was that we were making these scenes too long. The aim of these tasks was for them to be no longer than 2 minutes long, however most of our scenes exceeded this. We did manage to start and make these scenes shorter towards the end. Cara did also say that although we carried out both tasks very well, we carried out the one line improvisations better. 

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