Monday 12 June 2017

Unit 1 - Skills development in performing arts

Thursday 2nd February
Today we were focusing on singing.
We started off the session with a warmup including major scales, arpeggios and the ‘va va vi vi’ exercise.
Firstly we spent some time working on ‘Groove is the heart’. In this song I am joining in singing the chorus and the line ‘I couldn’t ask for another’. We ran through the song once just as a reminder. We then had a discussion with our lecturer about getting into the song a bit more. We need to be moving to the beat of the music and also joining in with specific words in the verses. Cara also asked me if I knew where some of the lines come in such as ‘Sing it baby!’ Because I knew where they were in the song, she asked me if I could sing them.
We then worked on the transition, which we learnt last week, from ‘Groove is in the heart’ to ‘We are family’. We didn’t need to spend a lot of time on this because we spent a lot of time learning this last week.
For the rest of the lesson we worked on ‘We are family’. We mainly worked on the solo parts because I was quite shy and didn’t sing very loudly. After a few practices I was able to sing louder however, it still wasn’t very loud so I was set a target for over the holidays. The target is to practice my solo part so that I am more confident with it so I am able to sing louder. At the moment I do not feel very confident singing in front of the others in my group, however over time as I keep practicing in front of them, this will get easier. 

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