Monday 12 June 2017

Unit 25 - Dance improvisation

Wednesday 7th December
To start off the lesson today we carried out a short physical warmup. Because my shoulder was still hurting, I wasn’t able to carry out movements fully and had to be careful as to how much movement I gave it. The warmup consisted of a few exercises that we have carried out in previous dance lessons such as the breathing exercise, jumps and dips.
For the main part of the lesson, my dance teacher Laura was going to be teaching me a routine that she had choreographed herself. The dance is to the song ‘Tears’ by Louisa Johnson. The dance routine is a commercial style piece. Laura wanted to teach me this routine as commercial dance is one of my weaker styles of dance and learning this routine will stretch me and bring me out of my comfort zone. The routine consists of many isolated movements which I am not very used to, however we did practice this a few lessons ago and I picked this up quite well. I managed to learn a good part of the routine, from the start right up to the chorus (16 bars of music). Once I had learnt the routine, I practiced it over and over because I was then able to add more definition to it once I knew the steps.

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