Monday 12 June 2017

Unit 1 - Skills development in performing arts

Thursday 2nd March
Today we were focusing on singing and preparing for the singing performance.
We carried out a warmup which consisted of major scales, the intercostal diaphragmatic breathing exercise and arpeggios.
We ran through a lot of material during this session. Firstly we looked at the small solo parts that we each have in the song ‘We are family’. I was given the first solo bit and at the moment I am still quite shy and unsure about singing in front of other people. However, I am not as shy as I used to be and I am slowly building up more confidence to be able to sing in front of others.
We then went through the whole piece a few times to make sure that it flowed nicely and that everyone is sure of what they need to be singing.
My target is to keep practicing over my solo bit so that it becomes louder and clearer and I become more confident. 

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