Monday 12 June 2017

Unit 25 - Dance improvisation

Wednesday 18th January
In today’s dance lesson we were carrying on with learning the rest of our dance piece.
To start the lesson we carried out a warmup. This consisted of jogging around the room, gallops and stretches. We then recapped the breathing exercises from last week. We did the same as last week – lying on the floor and breathing in time with the music. We then moved a limb when we breathed in and moved it back to the original position when we breathed out. We then repeated this whilst we were standing up so we travelled around the room slowly. Although this was only the second time which I have carried out this exercise, I felt that it was easier than last week. Hopefully each week this exercise will get easier and I will then be able to apply this to the dance piece.
Once we had finished the warmup, we started to learn the next bit of the dance. However, firstly we had a quick recap of what we learnt last week. Because we were both able to recall it, we started learning straight away. Here is a video of what we have learnt of the routine so far:
As I have had dance experience before, I am able to memorise a routine quite fast. This then enables me to work on the moves because once I have learnt them, I am then able to add more definition and meaning. 

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