Monday 12 June 2017

Unit 1 - Skills development in performing arts

Thursday 26th January
In today’s lesson we were focusing on practicing the 2 group songs which we will be singing live at the singing performance. These 2 songs are ‘Groove is in the heart’ and ‘We are family’.
We started the lesson with a short singing warmup. We then moved onto looking at the transition from the first song to the second song. Our lecturer, Cara played us the instrumental piece of music that will be connecting the 2 songs together and showed us the part at which we had to start singing again. It took us a while to pick this up as a group but we eventually got it right. We then had a recap over both of the songs and we were given some feedback and improvements to make on both songs. The main piece of feedback that I was given was that I need to project my voice a bit more because I am quite quiet compared to the others in the group. This is because I am shy and not a very confident singer. This is due to singing being my weakest aspect within performing arts. 

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