Monday 12 June 2017

Unit 1 - Skills development in performing arts

Monday 23rd January
We carried out a quick warmup at the beginning of the session which consisted of the intercostal diaphragmatic breathing exercise and some diction exercises.
For the main part of the lesson we were focusing on our duologue and our poems. Firstly we went over the duologue. We are currently in the process of learning this duologue so we are not really performing this yet. We are mainly focusing on learning and perfecting our poems because we will be performing these in front of a professional at Brecon theatre next week.
For the next part of the lesson we focused on learning our poems and making sure that we could perform them to the best of our ability. After I had performed my poem the first time, I was given some feedback from my lecturer. She said that I needed to work a bit more on my projection as at the moment I am not projecting to my full potential. Another piece of feedback which she gave me was to think more about the pace of the poem because in some parts of the poem the pace needs to be faster but in other places it needs to be slower. 

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