Saturday 13 January 2018

Unit 7 - Theatre in education

Tuesday 9th January
Today we were having a run through of the show.
Over the Christmas holidays, I was busy getting together some parts of costume and props in preparation for the show. I have now got my fairy costume so I can now start practicing in it which means I can start to work a bit more on my characterisation. I have also made some shakers which will be used by the characters. I made 4 as I wasn’t too sure of how many we needed. I made the shakers out of small cardboard boxes which I then filled with dried peas and covered the boxes with small pictures of fruit.

For the majority of the session we were working through the script, working on lines and songs. The run through today was in preparation to perform to Sophie who is a director of a theatre company who will be coming in on Thursday to give us some feedback on our performance.

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