Saturday 6 January 2018

Unit 37 - Dance performance

Thursday 7th December
Today was the day of the Laura Gale mini dance showcase.
After the rehearsal yesterday that lasted from 4pm till 7pm, there was another rehearsal today from 4pm till 6pm and then the show would start at 6pm. However, due to a high demand in tickets, some parents came in to watch the dress and tech rehearsal which started at 5pm.
I was performing in 2 routines in this show – both of which were contemporary dances. The first dance was to the song ‘Too good at goodbyes’ by Sam Smith and involved dancing with a ribbon. The second dance was to the song ‘Fix my eyes’ by Kings Kaleidoscope. For the first dance we were split into 2 groups because there wasn’t enough room on the stage for all of us to dance at the same time with the ribbons. I danced in the first group with 3 other girls but just before the dress and tech rehearsal, I was asked to also dance with the second group because some of the girls were still a little unsure of some of the moves and if they forgot any of the routine, I was there for them to copy from. The second dance was when the whole group dancing together. This dance also included some formations which I really like in group dances.
The dress and tech rehearsal went alright but there were a few problems that I had. During my first dance, my hair flopped in front of my face so I couldn’t see where I was going. I have been taught in the past not to touch it and just carry on with the dance – so this is what I did. Eventually it did fall back out of my face and I could see again. Another problem that I had was in the second dance when, right at the start of the dance, I had to do a double turn. Unfortunately, I fell out of my turn in the dress rehearsal because I forgot to spot so this is something that I remembered to keep in mind ready for the show tonight.
Moving on to the show. Overall, this went really well – a lot better than the dress and tech rehearsal. For the show I decided to put my hair up in a bun so that I wouldn’t have the same problem which I had in the rehearsal. The ribbon dance went really well. I danced through the routine twice – once with the first group and once with the second group. I managed to maintain good balance and technique throughout. Moving on to the second dance. I managed to perform my turn correctly and remember all of the routine. This dance was also quite an emotional one so I did manage to use some of the techniques that I have been learning in my dance classes at college. When I spoke to my teacher Laura after the show, she said that I had really good emotion in the second dance. I was really happy to hear this because this is something that I have been working on for a while and this comment showed me that the hard work is paying off.

I loved performing in this show and I can’t wait for the rest of the dance shows towards the end of this academic year.

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