Thursday 4 January 2018

Unit 7 - Theatre in education

Monday 27th November
This morning, Cara and I were in the art room starting to make some of the props for the theatre in education performance. There are quite a few props which need to be made so I think that it is a good idea that we are starting early so that we can get everything done in time.
I started by making the ‘Healthy Eating Club’ poster which will be stuck onto the front of the bar. To start with I drew a pencil outline of the letters, one word per page of A4. However, we then realised that this may not fit on the bar and therefore measured the front of the bar. We then found 2 large pieces of card which would both fit on the front of the bar. We then stuck these together and then I was able to start doing the outline again. We separated the large page into 3 sections to make sure that the writing was going to be the same size. Once I had finished the outline, I then started thinking about what colours the lettering was going to be. I knew that I had to use bright colours so that it stands out on stage and appeals to the children. After practicing a few colour themes on a scrap piece of paper, I decided on the colour theme and then started colouring the letters in.
Whilst I was doing this, Cara was busy painting an old folder and then sticking sequins to it. This will be the book that Nancy Narrator will be holding throughout the show. I noted that this book should also have the name of the performance on it, ‘The Terrific Tale of Fiona the Fruit Fairy and Friends’, to make it seem more story like. Cara also starting making some adjustments to the car which the Sweetie Monster will be using during the show. These adjustments included fixing the side of the car and adding padding to the straps.
There are still quite a few props and costumes to make and get together. We have put together a props and costumes list to make sure that we do not forget anything. Here is the list:

Set/props on stage:
·     Bee’s hive
·     Magic coloured chair
·     Fruit Shaped Shakers
·     Nancy’s chair
Props backstage:
·     Car
·     Healthy Eating Club bar
·     Basket of fruit and veg
·     Fruit and veg to go in the basket:
-      Avocado
-      Broccoli
-      Coconut
-      Grapefruit
-      Mango
·     Plastic bowls
·     Bell
·     Veg to go in the bowls:
-      Sugar snap peas
-      Sweetcorn
-      Sweet potato chips
Annie Apple:
·     Green and white skirt
·     Green and red top
·     Black bottoms
·     Red hat
·     Black belt
Nancy Narrator:
·     A brown, velvet shawl
·     Black bottoms
Tanzie Tangerine:
·     An orange dress
·     Flower garland
·     Black bottoms
Fiona the Fruit Fairy:
·     White top
·     Black bottoms
·     Pink tutu
·     Fairy wings and wand
·     Pink pouch
·     Fruit shaped confetti
Sweetie Monster:
·     Black bottoms
·     Black top
·     A cape covered in sweetie wrappers
·     Fake moustache
·     Large headphones
Items will be continually added to this list if any props or costumes are added to the performance.

In the session in the afternoon, I spent the time transcribing the final scene which we improvised on Thursday last week. Now that I have finished transcribing this scene, we now have a full script. I am however cautious that a few amendments may need to be made throughout.

1 comment:

  1. This is about the 'nuts and bolts' of the performance. It is good to see you are engaged with the practicalities involved in the actual staging and realisation.
