Saturday 13 January 2018

Unit 7 - Theatre in education

Monday 5th January
Today’s lesson was a continuation from before the Christmas break of making the props for the Theatre in Education performance. We have so far made the ‘Healthy Eating Club’ sign and the car has been adjusted and mended. Also, the book which Nancy will be holding is still in development at the moment but will be ready soon.
Today we were focusing on making some improvements to the chairs which will be on stage throughout the whole show. From the feedback that Alys gave us a few weeks ago, we have decided to change Nancy’s stool to a chair. We then spent this lesson looking for some fabric with could go over the chair to make it look more in with the theme. We eventually found some orange fabric which looked really nice on the chair. The chair now looks more like a chair that a storyteller would sit in and this is the look that we were going for. Then, we started to think about how we could improve the magic chair which Annie sits on. We tried tying some colourful pieces of netted fabric around the chair in different directions. However, this didn’t look right. I then suggested that it might be a good idea to paint over the chair. Although the chair is already colourful, it is quite faded and I thought that adding some more colour to it will bring it alive a bit more. Cara and I then went down into the art room to see what paint we could use to paint this chair. We decided to paint the chair very similar colours to what it already is. However, we did change some of the colours slightly such as the pink and purple as we made these lighter to appeal to the children more. We managed to get about half of the painting of the chair done in the morning and then carried on with this in the afternoon.

Tomorrow we will try running the performance with both of these new chairs to see how they look and feel as part of the performance.

1 comment:

  1. Props making is a key element when realising a performance.
