Monday, 12 June 2017

Unit 1 - Skills development in performing arts

Wednesday 21st September
The aim of this lecture was to start to develop our improvisation and mime skills.
To begin the lecture, we completed a short physical warm up including all of the exercises from previous lectures including the intercostal diagrammatic exercise. This warm up ensures that the body is ready for any activity during the lecture. Then, we started to develop our mime skills. We were firstly given a brief of the activity from our lecturer and then we had to develop an idea to create a scene without speech. The brief that we were given was ‘a magical box’. We could interperate this to anything we wanted. As a group, we came up with the idea of a gremlin being inside the box. This then meant that we had to consider how big the ‘magical box’ was. 
Next, we moved onto some improvisation tasks. This activity was called “worlds worst…” so our lecturer, Cara gave us a few different situations and then then chose someone in the group to play the main character who supposedly was the “worlds worst”. The aim of the activity was for the scene to include characters who were awkward, were not like a typical person in that situation or did not cooperate with the others in the scene. Some of the scenarios that we were given were “world’s worst hairdresser”, “world’s worst speed dating” and “world’s worst doctors waiting room”. I was chosen to be the main character in the “world’s worst stuck in a lift”. In this situation I acted as if I had extreme claustrophobia and needed to get out of the lift. To do this, I used some of my existing skills such as facial expressions and body language which I had gained from GCSE drama to portray my character. 

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