Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Unit 6 - Performance workshop

Here is a copy of the script that we have devised and will be performing on Thursday 15th June at 7:30pm. 
My main character is called Estelle but I also play the role of the doctor in Doctors (part 1).
1.             The Grid
                Music:          Intro, Alt-J

2.             Our Day, Part 1

The cast stand in a line down stage, they talk to the audience about their days.

Charlotte:      12 am - I get into my pink embroidered butterfly pyjamas and jump into bed.

Callum:         1.27 am - I dream about living with guinea pigs.

All:                2.42 am - Nightmare

Danielle:        3.55 am - I sit bolt upright, open the window and take some deep calming breaths.

All:                4.01 am - Toilet

Angel:           5.08 am - Wide awake worrying what the postman may bring today.

Callum:         6 am - Alarm goes off and my day begins.

Emily:           7.33 am - Just getting in from a wild party or sleeping of my hangover.

Angel:           8.28 am - Books, bags, lunch, purse, keys, phone and out.

All:                8.30 am - Lift

Danielle:        9.45 am - I pop into the doctors office on my way past - just to say hi!

Charlotte:      10 am - Psychologists appointment, there’s work to be done, but I’m getting there!

All:                11.30 am - I boil the kettle and make myself a:

Emily:            White Coffee with 2 sugars

Charlotte:      A hot chocolate

Danielle:        Tea, soya milk, no sugar, on account of the lactose intolerance and diabetes.

Charlotte:      Marshmallows and sprinkles

Angel:           Coffee, black

Charlotte:      And lashings of whipped cream

Callum:         I don’t boil a kettle, I just drink water.

3.             Mobile Phone SFX

The cast return via The Grid to their seats to answer their phones.

4.             The Phone Calls


Oh it’s you, I didn’t notice the number otherwise I wouldn’t have picked up.

What do you mean, don’t be like that . . . it’s been six months and I’ve hardly heard a word from you. You or solicitor only seems to get in touch when you want something.

You haven't even asked how I am.

(he asks how she is) Why would I tell you? You wouldn’t have asked if I hadn't had said.

How are you? How is SHE? How is the cat? Actually I don’t wish to know, apart from the cat - at least he loved me, even if he did choose to go with you.

(he says the cat is fine) Well that’s something at least. Any what did you call for?

(quietly, taking it in) You want a divorce? You want to marry her?

I wasn’t going to tell you but I’m ill actually, quite ill. The doctor mentioned the words “potentially terminal”, but I won’t bother you with it, not now, I’ll cope with it. On my own.

I can’t talk about a divorce right now, I’m feeling ill, faint, sick,. . . .

(she puts the phone down solemnly)


Hello Mother, how are you today and it is a nice day isn’t it, 15 degrees with a very light south westerly breeze? I am ok and I completed this mornings medication at 9.22.

The news today, is not very positive, with North Korea continuing to be an impending threat but the Weather Man, Charlie Fawcett, was in a cheery mood so you can hang out your clean clothes. though not if your living in Scotland, they have strong winds coming in from the North West.

Well today I will visit the pet shop, when it opens at 10. I will be buying a guinea pig with the money I have saved. I would like it to be brown and white and female.

Did you know, Mother, in the time since its international launch in 1980 an estimated 400 million Rubik’s Cubes have been sold. Approximately one in seven people alive have played with a Rubik’s Cube. This little six colour cube has gone on to represent a decade. It has started art movements (Rubik Cubism); pop videos, Hollywood movies and even had its own TV show; it has come to represent both genius and confusion; it has birthed a sport called Speedcubing, and it has even been into space.


Katie’s phone ring, she see’s it her Dad - she turns her music on loud.

Dad…. Hello, Dad - can you hear me?
Sorry, I’m just in the middle of a party, I know another one! It’s the second this week.
(she pretends to speak to a friend) Angus, turn it down a    bit please . . . oh your so funny Angus, Dad you should meet Angus, he’s hilarious! Aw . . . Here they come, hi girls, I’ll be with you in a bit - yes of course, help yourself to drinks, there is plenty here as usual. What was that Dad? I can barely hear you with all these people here. 
Oh . .  yes. . . I’m having the time of my life, I’m so pleased you made me move out. Dad . .  oh you’ve got to go? OK, I’ll call you tomorrow . .  your all going away? On holidays! Anywhere nice . . . ? Oh . . . lovely . . .. Yes OK Dad, speak to you in two weeks.
By the w….. (Dad has hung                          up).
She turns off the music and continues to sit in silence.
Yes, hello, this is she.

Hello Edward, how lovely to hear from you and to hear your voice.

A date? Yes of course, I would love to meet face to face at last.

Of course I know the Butterfly Enclosure. What a lovely idea. I would love nothing more than to join you there.

Afternoon tea afterwards, oh yes, that just sounds divine, my ideal date in fact.

Bye Edward, and thank you . . . Look forward to meeting you too.

Lily:          (to be written)

5.        Doctors (Part 1)

Felicity enters.

Felicity:               Hello doctor, nice to see you again.

Charlotte:           Yes, two days ago I believe.

Felicity:               That’s right, what a good memory you have.

Charlotte:           I remember that you thought that you may have ricketts, what is it today, Mrs Jenkins?

Felicity:               Well it is making a come back doctor according to the news. And it’s Ms.

Charlotte:           Sorry? What is Ms?

Felicity:               Me, I’m now a Ms not a Mrs anymore, you see my husband . . .

The doctor rudely interrupts

Charlotte:           I’m sorry MS Jenkins, it’s just that we only have 7 minutes per patient and we could be wasting precious time.

Felicity:               Oh I’m sorry, no of course Doctor.

Charlotte:           So?

Felicity:               Ah yes, so when I was here two days ago I noticed that you have a poster, in reception, about malaria.

Charlotte:           And?

Felicity:               I think I may have it.

Charlotte:           Because . . .

Felicity:               Because . . . I have the symptoms

Charlotte:           Which are?

Felicity:               A high temperature, sweats and chills, headaches, vomiting, muscle pains and diarrhoea.
Charlotte:           You do realise that malaria is a tropical disease spread by mosquitos.

Felicity:              Yes doctor.

Charlotte:           And have you been to large areas of Africa and Asia, Central and South America, Haiti and the Dominican Republic, parts of the Middle East or any Pacific islands in the last twelve months?

Felicity:              No, but I was stood next to a woman who had recently returned from St Kitts and Barbuda in the supermarket on the weekend.

Charlotte:           I think from the information that you have supplied that I’m pretty sure you are malaria free.

Felicity:              Should I have a prescription, doctor? . .  just in case.

Charlotte:           Well you have been issued with high concentrate vitamin D this week . .. just in case. (pause) Here’s some paracetamol, (sarcastically) for your fever.

Felicity:              Thank you, Doctor. See you soon.

Charlotte:           (under breath) I sincerely hope not.

6.        Lily in the Library

Emily:                 You got my money

Lily:                     What are you doing here?

Emily:                 I’m waiting for the money you told me I would get a week ago.

Lily:                    I’m really sorry, I don’t have it.

Emily:                 You’re kidding me.

Librarian shshes them.

Lily:                     I thought I would have it, I got paid, then some bills came in.

Emily:                 Well you couldn’t afford to lend the money then clearly.

Lily:                    I thought I could, I don’t know, it’s all got out of control really.

Emily:                 Why don’t you ask your parents for the money?

Lily:                    I did, you know that.

Emily:                 Not my parents - your parents.

Lily:                    You’re a bitch.

Emily:                 You’re a bitch.

Librarian:            Would you please be quiet over there.

They both shhh the Librarian. Emily takes the laptop.

Emily:                 Get my money for me and you can have this back.

Lily:                    (shouting) You can’t take that - how the hell am I supposed to finish my work.

Emily:                 You should have thought about that earlier.

Librarian:            I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to …

Emily:                 (even louder) It’s ok, I’m leaving.

7.        The Butterfly Enclosure

Estelle is watching the butterflies that fly around her with awe. Callum arrives.

Callum:              Terribly sorry to keep you waiting, I see that our little friends are keeping you entertained.

Estelle:               They certainly are, they beautiful.

Callum:              Do you know there are around 18,000 known species.

Ah, now here we have Owl Butterfly - quite often described as the hooligan of the butterfly world - we lepidopteris” believe that the dark owl eyes on its wings are a case of camouflage, warding off predators by confusing them. Animals and small birds hesitate or flee when they see the face of a potential predator, allowing butterfly to escape.
It has a wingspan of 20 cos . . .

Estelle interrupts.

Estelle:               Look at that one . . .

Callum:               The handsome Purple Hairstreak, mostly found in southern areas. Very keen on the common oak tree, where it makes its home.

A butterfly lands on Estelle’s hand.

Estelle:               Look!!!

Callum:              He likes you! Look at the beautiful, rich colours it presents.

Estelle goes to touch it.

                           Don’t touch it though, it is very rare.

They both look happily at it for a while. Estelle suddenly squishes the butterfly on the back of her hand. She wipes her hands on her clothes with a disgusted look on her face. Callum is horrified.

Estelle:                Afternoon tea now?

Callum:               I’ve, um got to go.

He makes a very quick exit.

8.        Shoplifting
Music:      Black Beatles Instrumental

Katie is shopping, she has an assistant showing her the clothes, she attempts to steal a scarf and coat.

Danielle:             Can I help you?

Katie:                  Sorry?

Danielle:             Do you wish to purchase the scarf?

Katie:                  Scarf?

Danielle:             The one in your bag?

Katie:                  I’m sorry I don’t know what you are on about.

Danielle:             Well lets put it this way, you can put the item back, give it to me or I can call the police.

Katie takes the scarf out of the bag and throws it on the floor and proceeds to walk away. The sales assistant coughs, Katie stops, takes the fur coat of and throws that on the floor too.

9.        At the Pet Shop

James arrives at the pet shop wanting to buy a Guinea Pig.

Angel:           (friendly) Hello James

James:          Hello

Angel:           Have you come to look at the Guinea Pigs? Go on then.

Haven’t they grown since last week. We sold two yesterday but we still have five left.
Which one is your favourite?

James points at one.

Angel:           That’s mine too.

James:          I’m going to buy her and call her Gertrude.

Angel picks it up and checks the sex.

Angel:           Ooh I think Gertrude may be a him.

James:          I’m going to buy him and call him Gertrude.

Angel:           Would you like to hold him? He won’t bite.

James:          Guinea Pigs do bite, they have exceptionally long teeth and grow continuously. The enamel is white in colour, they have 20 altogether and the front teeth can be sharp which makes them ideal for eating carrots, which they very much enjoy, though they shouldn't have too much as this could lead to a condition called diabetes in later life.

Angel:           Well your not a carrot so don’t worry about him biting you.

James:          No, I’m not a carrot

Angel:           Oh . . . ok, of course your not.

James:          I will need a cage, a water bottle, a feeding tube and sawdust.

Angel:           Give him to me and you can choose what you need.

James pulls the Guinea Pig towards him.

OK, well you stay there and I will collect the items for you.
Blue cage?

James:          Green

She collects the items.

Angel:           Ok James, I’ll ring it in for you.

                     That will be £47.98 pence please.

James:          I only have £30.00.

Angel:           Do you have someone who can lend you the rest of the money?

                     Your mother perhaps?

James:          My mother is hanging out her washing 210 miles away, though she needs to get it in by 3pm as there is a light rain shower on the way.

Angel:           Look, I’m not supposed to do this but you can give me the rest of the money when you have it.

James:          I will do that and will come in the same time next week to bring in more money for you.

Angel:           Thank you James, I know you will.

James:          I’ll take Gertrude home now.

Angel:           OK, good luck.

10.     The Grid

Cast return to the grid for second half of the day. Whilst on the grid - perhaps people try to make contact with each other but no one is interested in communicating. On leaving the grid the cast go back into position for Our Day, Part 2

11. Our Day, Part 2

The cast stand in a line down stage, they talk to the audience about their days.

Charlotte:      12 pm - I start to write a poem about the principles of flight.

Callum:         1.27 pm - Watch the weather report.

All:                2.42 pm - Nightmare

Danielle:        3.55 pm - I sit bolt upright in my chair after receiving what can only be described as an extremely uncomfortable pain in the centre of my chest.

All:                4.01 pm - Toilet

Angel:           5.08 pm - Looking at but not opening the letter that the postman bought today. It has the colleges address on it.

Callum:         6 pm - Give Gertrude his tea. A large handful of grass hey and cupful of fresh vegetables.

Emily:           7.33 pm - Just off to another wild party with all my friends.

Angel:           8.28 pm - Books, bags, lunch, purse, keys, phone and home.

All:                8.30 pm - Lift

Danielle:        9.45 pm - I call the emergency number for the doctors as the pain is not going away. She tells me not to panic, it could be heartburn. She tells me I’m to stop wasting their time.

Charlotte:      10 pm - Psychology reading before bed.

All:                11.30 pm - Bed

Emily:            But not me, I’m out partying. With all my friends.

12       The Grid - Monologues

Monologues are delivered on the grid - we may have to play with this scene.

13       Felicity Monologue

Perhaps, if I'd been loved, I wouldn't have been broken. Perhaps, if my father stared at me with loving eyes like he did with my siblings, I would have felt whole. If my mum hadn't left us, I wouldn't have felt so lost, unwanted and forgotten; this sickness in my head would not have spread.

Perhaps, if my husband had been happy and content with just me, and not ran off with some other woman, I would be at home with him, cooking, and going for walks. Maybe I would have the two beautiful daughters, the ones I had always imagined.  Maybe I'd have a job, or maybe, I'd just be a stay at home mum.

But my father spread his love out to all his children, except for one. My mother did pack a suitcase one night and left the house, with no care for my feelings. And my husband is probably making tea and toast for his new wife, without even giving my memory a thought.

My life would have been filled with more beauty than I could ever imagine. If someone had loved me, the walls of the lift would never have confined me in their mocking embrace and squeezed until all the light, the hope and the wishes were sucked out of me, leaving Nothing! No hope, no beautiful future, no love.

14       Katie Monologue

Katy is in a police cell, she is speaking through the door at whoever is on the other side and listening.

Let me out, I do have rights you know.
I have a phone call, I’ve seen it on TV!
(to herself) Though I’m not really sure who I’d call.
(she sits on the floor and waits for a while, thinking)
You’ve got it all wrong, ok, I know I’ve got away with it over the years, it’s just they didn’t know what I was up to, no one was interested.
When I entered a shop, no-one looked at me, no one judged me, I looked like an ordinary customer. Why wouldn’t I? I am ordinary.
Perhaps if I’d have had someone to go shopping with this wouldn’t have happened  - are you listening to this? It’s not my fault. I blame society. It’s broken.
I am a reformed character.  If I go into a shop now the first thing I do is to pull out my purse, to remind me that I should pay. That I need to pay.
I’ve been taking back the items that I’ve stolen and returning them to the shops. Trying to return them. I could have just left it on the racks but I didn’t, I went to the counter and apologised.
Should I be locked in here for that? Wanting to make a mends, to say sorry? To change?

15       Lily Monologue
My parents always said to look at things with a positive prospective; I never knew how adult life could change a persons thought process, not until now.

I had never been lead to believe that Jane and Chris were my biological parents but they did their best to treat me like their own, I was a happy child, well loved, and cared for.

I had no reason to complain actually, my sister and I were close once and when I wanted to find out more about my past Jane and Chris were there to give every piece of information they had.

I thought finding my birth mother would be the answer to my prayers - she must still love me, surely she hadn't ever gone a day without thinking of me or feeling regret for giving me up.

I was wrong. Her “condition” meant that she couldn’t, couldn’t think, couldn’t feel.

I thought becoming a nurse would give me the understanding, the empathy to completely grasp the situation but now I’ve failed. My hopes are broken.

16            James

James doesn't speak, he is solving his Rubik’s Cube.

17            Estelle Monologue

My mother once said that there are 2 types of people in this world, the type who sit and watch the butterflies land on their hands watching in admiration and awe and the type that sit and pull the wings off.

I was of course, the type which sat and watched the butterflies – I could watch them all day long, day in, day out, month after month, year on year. As mother would say who would want to hurt such a beautiful, delicate and amazing creature.

I ofter think about mother, I miss her terribly, even though I can’t really remember much about her, not anymore. My father would say “think of her as a butterfly, she opened her wings one day and flew away”.

I still dream of her kissing me on the forehead to wake me, as she did when I was a child but when I open my eyes she’s gone, taken flight, flown away. If I had wings, I’d follow her.

I’ve actually tried to fly a couple of times, though my wings didn't open.

I have had many years and many a silent moment to think about it, and surely, if you pull the wings off a butterfly, it will just turn back into a caterpillar.

18       The Lift 1

Everyone is in the lift, going through the motions. There is a sound that indicates the lift breaking down. The lights go out. Silence.

Felicity:         What’s happened?

James :          The lift has stopped, the lights have gone out.

Lily:               Well that’s obvious.


Felicity:         Should we do anything?

Estelle:          Press a button?

Felicity:         I’m trying to, I can’t seem to find them. Perhaps they are this side?

Lily:               Ouch, that was my foot.

Felicity:         Oops sorry.

Katy:             And that was me not the wall.

James:          You just touched my bottom.

Felicity:         Oh gosh, I’m so sorry.

James:          I did not like it.

Felicity:         Yes, sorry, at least I’m trying.

Lily:               To feel people up?

Felicity:         To get us out of here.

Katy:             We could scream, that’s what they do in the movies.

Lily:               What kind of movies do you watch?

Katy:             Oh me and my friends are always going to . . .

James cuts in

James:          According to the building procedures manual we are to stay in the lift until the emergency services are called.

Felicity:         Oh there we are then, won’t be long I’m sure.

James:          Unless there’s a fire, if there’s a fire you should categorically not use the lift. Last year there was 226 injuries and 6 deaths due to lift malfunctions in the United Kingdom alone.

All:                Great

Lights come up giving the audience a glimpse into the lift.

19       Lift Part 2

30 mins after breakdown.

Lily:               What’s the time?

James:          It’s 9.02

Katie:            How do you know that?

James:          I’ve been counting

Felicity:         I’m supposed to be at the doctors. I’m expecting some very important results.

Lily:               Well I’m missing an important exam.


Katy:             I’ve got a phone!

Everyone starts chatting about not thinking to use the phones.

Estelle:          And me

Lily:               Me too.

Phones light up one by one in the dark.

Katy:             No signal

Estelle:          No signal

Lily:               I’ve got a bar.

Everyone gets excited, telling her to call someone.

Lily:               Oh shit, the battery’s dead.

Everyone groans. Silence.

six. ticking clock. Lights up for 5 seconds.

20       Lift Part 3

Nearly 4 hours after breakdown. Estelle is humming “Baby Guinea Pig”. Felicity is breathing heavily.

Felicity:          Is there any air in here? I can hardly breathe.

Lily:               How long has it been now?

James:          3 hours and 37 minutes.

Katie:             This is ridiculous, I told you earlier we should have screamed.

Lily starts screaming, everyone except James joins in.

James:          No one is going to hear you.

Lily:               What do you mean no one is going to hear us.

James:          Everybody’s here.

Lily:               That woman from number three isn’t here, you know the weird one with the butterfly obsession.

Estelle:          Hello, I think you may mean me - I am here, my name’s Estelle.

Felicity:          Hello Estelle, I’m Felicity from number five, I would shake your hand but I have pins and needles in them at the moment.

Lily:               Well the other one then, the one that plays that tasteless music till all hours.       

Katy:              You mean Katy at number 2.

Lily:               Yeah that’s her.

Katy:              That’ll be me, who’s here, in the lift.

Lily:               Well I’m Lily, number 4.

James:          James Williams, number 1.

Estelle:          (worried) Oh no, So we are all here then.

Felicity:          Oh gosh, I feel sick.

(sound of Felicity being sick.)

Lights up. Clock ticks.

21       Lift Part 4

Estelle is now singing “I found a baby Guinea Pig”. There is heavy breathing heard and some snoring.

Katie:               Ergh, what the hell have I just put my hand on? 

Felicity:            (faint) I’m sorry, I was sick, earlier.

Katie:               No, this isn’t sick, it’s fur . . .

James:            Gertrude, Gertrude?

Estelle starts humming again.

James:             Has anyone seen my Guinea Pig? Gertrude. Gertrude?

People are getting upset that he is trying to move amongst them.

Lights up.

22            Lift Part 5

Lily:          Hang on, what’s this button here.

Music:     Sigur Ros, Lisbon

Everyone except Felicity leaves the lift to go out of the studio. Felicity dies gradually.

23            Prologue

Callum:         There are moments in all our lives where we feel like we are stuck in a lift where we get in press a button and go all it takes is one stop to throw any of us off track that felling of confinement being stuck wether it's a line or a square or a lift we can all feel trapped within ourselves with no chance of escape people may think they we are crazy out of control or even mad in this lift no matter how loud we scream we will never be heard we have no signal to call for help our connections are what help us through life we have may have failures hit obstacles we are all works in progress there will always be help so that you will never feel broken together we can all find out buttons

The End

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