Monday, 12 June 2017

Unit 1 - Skills development in performing arts

Monday 28th November
The aim of todays lesson was to start to look at a duologue that we will be learning and developing over the next few weeks. We will be looking at sight-reading skills and starting to look at our characters too.
The duologue that our lecturer, Cara has selected for us is called ‘Split down the middle’ and was written by David Campton. It is about a couple who have been out on a day trip on a boat. It’s starting to get dark and foggy and they’re stranded out at sea wondering what to do. The duologue involves 2 characters, Josie and Fran. I am playing the part of Fran and Angel is playing the part of Josie. 
We first of all read through the duologue as our assigned characters. Once we had read this through once, we read it through again but this time we swapped the characters around. This meant that we were able to gain a better understanding of our character as we were responding to the character that we are actually going to be playing. We then read through it one last time, this time reading as our characters again. Here is a link to a video of our initial duologue which is being sight-read:
We were able to read this duologue through a number of times because our sight-reading skills are quite good even though we have a visually impairment. A duologue is a lot easier to sight-read as there is less to say at one time. For example, if you are reading a monologue, then it is just you speaking and therefore you have to read a lot of text without stopping whereas a duologue you have short breaks in-between lines when the other person is speaking. 
At the end of the lesson, Cara set us a target. This target is to learn the first 2 pages of the duologue which works out to about 10 lines each. We will assess this on Monday 5th December. 

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