Monday, 12 June 2017

Unit 25 - Dance improvisation

Wednesday 22nd March
Today we were focusing on the duet that Callum and I have been learning for the past few weeks,
We carried out a warmup to make sure that our muscles were warm and that we weren’t going to hurt ourselves when we started dancing.
For the main part of the lesson we were practicing and running through the choreography that we have already learnt. However, in today’s session I was feeling a bit ill so we weren’t able to dance for very long. Once we had rehearsed over the routine a few times so that it was refreshed in our heads, we sat down to have a discussion about the showcase.
Laura told me the order of the show so that I had an idea of the routines that I still need to learn and where the ones that I have already learnt or I am currently learning will fit into the show. Currently I still have another 3 group routines to learn as well as the rest of the duet with Callum.  We also discussed my target which is to build emotion within my dances. I am finding this quite difficult at the moment because all of the dances have a different emotion. This means that I need to think about each different emotion and build these up over time. 

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