Wednesday 15th March
To start off the lesson we had a warmup which was led by Mikey. Firstly we had a full body shake just to get the muscles a bit warm and loose. We then went on to do the intercostal diaphragmatic breathing exercise. For this we breathed in for 4, held for 6 and breathed out for 12. This was then followed by the extension of this exercise which is the abdominal press. This is when we breathe in for 4 counts but these are individual breaths instead of one long breath. We then hold for 6 and then breathe out for 12 where for 8 of these counts we breathe out for 8 separate breaths and then for the last 4 counts we breathe out in one longer breath. The final exercise which we carried out was the tongue twisters and diction exercises. We firstly started with ‘pah, tah, kah’ carrying on with ‘mah, nah, lah’ and ‘thah, vah, zah’. We then went onto some tongue twisters.
For the rest of the lesson I concentrated on learning and practicing my duologue. I will be performing this duologue at the end of the year with Angel. This duologue is called ‘Split down the middle’ and was written by David Campton. I am already familiar with this duologue as I have had the script for quite a while. I have now started to add some more expression to my lines as I do not have to concentrate on reading the script. At the start of the duologue, my line is ‘HOOT, HOOT, HOOT’. For this, I lean over the boat, put my hand to my mouth and sound desperate when I am calling for help.
My target for the next lecture is to earn some more of the lines of the duologue and to start to add more expression into my lines.
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