Wednesday 8th March
Today we were focusing on looking at the different techniques, exercises and activities we can carry out to warm up our bodies ready for voice production.
Firstly we looked at warming the muscles up. We started by standing on one foot, circling our foot from the ankle, then from the knee and then from the hip. Then, repeat on the other leg. We also patted our muscles gently so that the blood could flow to them faster. We started at the feet and gently patted up the legs, to the stomach and up to the shoulders. We then went down each arm and lastly finished by patting the face. This should then create a tingly feeling around the body because the blood is now flowing faster to these parts of the body.
Next we carried out some stretches. The first one that we did was a side stretch. This is when we lean to one side and bring the arm up above the head. We then carried out another stretch where we leaned forward to create a table top with our backs. To make the stretch harder, we placed our arms out in front of us so that they are parallel to the ground.
We then moved onto the intercostal diaphragmatic breathing exercise. This is when we breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 6 and breathe out for 12. If I was running a warmup with a group who have never done this exercise before, I would only get them to breathe out for 8 counts because it is easier.
The last part of the warmup is to carry out diction and travelling exercises. We ran through the diction exercises which we normally carry like such as ‘pah, tah, kah’ and a few tongue twisters. Once we have had good practice of these exercises, we can then start to apply these to our performance material.
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