Monday, 12 June 2017

Unit 1 - Skills development in performing arts

Monday 27th March
Today I took part in the singing performance.
Before the show started, we were able to have a quick rehearsal of what we had come up with on Thursday. Once we had practiced through this twice, we all felt confident and were ready to start the show.
The setup for the show consisted of 5 chairs at the front of the stage where Callum, Mikey, me, Danielle and Emily sat throughout the show. When it was our time to sing, we got up and stood closer to the microphone. Behind us was Cara who was playing the piano and Tony who was playing percussion. Here is a link to the video of the singing performance:
As the singing performance went on, I got more nervous because it was getting closer to my solo part. However, once I had started singing ‘Groove is the heart’, I became more relaxed. When it came to singing my solo lines, I knew that I had to project a lot because otherwise the audience wouldn’t be able to hear me. When it got to my solo part, I was really nervous but still managed to sing all of my words clearer and projected as much as I could.
Overall I think that the singing performance went well. Although there were some mistakes through the performance, everyone covered them up well and carried on with the show. In my solo part, I projected as much as I could. This was the loudest that I have sung my solo part before. I also felt like this was the best that I have sung it. The feedback which I was given from my lecturer was that all of my words came across clearly and that it was the best that I had sung. She also said that I have vocal potential but need to work on building up my confidence. 

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