Monday, 12 June 2017

Unit 25 - Dance improvisation

Wednesday 14th September
This was our first dance lecture of the academic year.
To start off the lesson, Laura our dance lecturer, gave us an overview of the unit and what we will be developing throughout the next year in these lessons. She also ran through her expectations and asked us some questions regarding own dance background. Lastly, she set us some personal targets for the year. My personal target is ‘to build up confidence for a solo performance’. Then, when we had finished making the targets we started the warm up.
The warmup consisted of few different exercises to get the blood flowing round the body faster to warm our muscles up. Firstly we warmed up our legs by slowing rotating the ankles in small circles, moving up to the knees and then to the hips. Once the muscles in our legs were warm, we were then were able to make our bodies sit down a bit more to feel more relaxed. We did this by having our feet turned out, legs apart, knees slightly bent and our backs straight. Then we bent our knees more, leant forward and pushed the backs of our hands along the floor moving them up towards our heads. Once the arms were abover the head we rolled wrists downwards and after every roll we clicked. The last warmup exercise that we did was warming up the upper half of the body ready for the rest of the lesson as the aim of this lecture was to focus on isolations. For this exercise we simply moved our ribs forwards and backwards without trying to move our hips or shoulders too much. We then changed the direction of this to side to side and then round in a circle.
When we had finished the warm up, we moved onto the main part of the lesson which was to focus on and improve our isolated movements. The main activity that we did was that we stood at one end of the room and we had to write our name with our ribs using isolated movements. I found this exercise quite difficult as I have not really done any work on isolated movements before. Because I haven’t done this before, it took me a while to get the movements correct. Once we had written our names a few times on the spot, we started writing them again but instead of staying on the spot we moved down the room whilst carrying out the isolated movement. We did this until we got to the other side of the room.
Once we had finished writing our names, we each picked a word in which we would spell out using isolated body movements and the aim was for the other people to guess the word. We chose simple words to begin with but then the words started to get more complex.

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