Tuesday 28 November 2017

Unit 7 - Theatre in education

Tuesday 7th November
In today’s session we were focusing on going through the material which we have already created and decided what will come next in the story.
To start with, we ran through the lines for scene 3 as this is newly scripted. I have worked in my own time to script this so today gave everyone a chance to start learning their lines.
We then ran through the lines for scene 2 as this then leads into scene 3.

Towards the end of the session, we had a discussion about some ideas for the next scene for the performance. We definitely know that this scene is going to involve Danielle because she is yet to be in a scene. Her character is called Tanzie Tangerine and she is going to educate the children using some fruit and veg. We worked on this scene a few sessions ago by improvising around the ideas. However, the improvisation material was quite dry and therefore I think that we should work on this again this week to ensure that the scene is going to be captivating for the children. I have managed to script some of scene 4 but will need to get more ideas from the group on Thursday.

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