Sunday 29 April 2018

Unit 24 - Auditions for actors

Tuesday 24th April
I was using this session today to practice through my audition monologues. 
To begin with, we carried out a full diction warmup which included some body stretches, intercostal diaphragmatic breathing and diction exercises. I then moved on to practicing through both of my audition pieces.
Firstly, I practiced my contemporary monologue. After running through this, I had a discussion with my lecturer about how I felt it went. We both agreed that this piece is now ready to be performed and would be ready to take to an audition. I will perform this piece to my peers in the session on Thursday. 
We then moved on to look at my Shakespeare piece. This piece still needs quite a lot of development because I am still learning the end of the speech. Therefore, my target for this piece is to keep on learning the lines to make sure that I am secure with it as soon as possible. 

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