Monday 2 October 2017

Unit 26 - Choreographing dance

Wednesday 6th September
Today was quite a relaxed session as we weren’t doing much practical work and we were mostly talking about what ideas we had for the rest of the academic year.
Laura gave me a run-through of what she had planned for me to do throughout the academic year for this unit. I will be completing this unit of work by myself and this will make it easier for me to travel out into the community with Laura.

We discussed and came up with some ideas of how I can be pushed in this unit. Laura had an idea that I would work closely with children during this unit and incorporate the child into the end of year dance performance. The idea she had was to go into schools, run some dance classes with the children, run auditions for a part in a duet that will be performed with me and then select a child to dance alongside me. Working with children and dance will push me as I don’t need to improve my technique at the moment in these sessions because I am already taking classes outside of these lessons to improve my technique. 

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