Friday 10th
we went to the primary school today, I met up with my dance teacher to go over
what we had choreographed last week for Eve and Toby. We also had a discussion
about the possibility of a lift in the dance but we won’t know what we can do
until we ask Eve and Toby what they think they are capable of and are
comfortable with. We also discussed the ideas which I had come up with in the
lesson on Wednesday when Laura was unable to make the lesson.
we got to the primary school, I took both Eve and Toby through a warmup to make
sure that all of the muscles in their bodies were warm especially because we
were going to be looking at some lifts in the session today. We then moved onto
looking at the routine.
start with, I went over the solo choreography with Eve. Eve knows this choreography
quite well now so this wasn’t a problem at all.
then moved on to looking at the duet part. Eve and Toby could both briefly remember
the choreography but because they only learnt it last week and it has been a
week since they have gone through it, they needed a bit of a refresher. Once we
had gone through this slowly without the music, we put this together with Eve’s
solo part and put it with the music. Then, for the rest of the session we were
going to focus on teaching new material.
main move that we wanted to focus on was the lift. Laura and I talked Eve and
Toby through the idea that we had – Eve jumping up and to the side and Toby supporting
her from behind. To start off with, we started by getting Eve to just jump as
high as she could. Then, Toby stood behind her and gently held her waist as she
jumped. As they kept practicing this, they both became more comfortable and
Toby began to support Eve so that she could jump even higher. Once they were
comfortable with Eve just jumping up and down, I got Eve to try a few different
jumps to see which one looked the nicest and fit with the choreography. The
first one that I got them to do was where Toby was still standing behind Eve
but instead of Eve just jumping up, she would jump up and to the side effectively
making a rainbow shape. After we had tried this a couple of times, I decided
that it wasn’t quite working and didn’t look very smooth when we put it in with
the rest of the choreography. I then had the idea of adapting this slightly by Eve
turning 90° so that she was now facing the way that she
was jumping. We then did the same jump but this time Eve was able to get more
momentum to jump higher and further whilst Toby was supporting her. Toby was
unsure of how he was meant to be supporting Eve when she was facing the side
but I then explained to him that he should do exactly what he was doing before
but just turn his hands slightly. Laura then had the suggestion to make sure
that the lift would flow in the choreography, for Eve to leave the ground on 2
feet but then make an arabesque shape with her legs. After I demonstrated the
move to her, she gave it a go and it looked beautiful and I was certain I
wanted to put this move into the choreography. The first time that she did the
jump, she lifted her left leg back which was the front leg which made a
beautiful shape. However, after then practicing the lift over and over again,
Eve then kept moving the right leg backwards. Because she was struggling to now
move the left leg backwards, we changed the lift so that she was now jumping
the other way. This meant that she could put her right leg backwards because
this was now the leg at the front. After adjusting how Toby was supporting the
lift was exactly the same but just mirrored. This lift looks really great and
even leading into it from the choreography beforehand.
we had finally mastered the lift, Laura and I worked with Eve and Toby to choreograph
some moves on the spot to finish off the end of this section of the dance. We
came up with a small sequence of moves where they are stood holding hands. The sequence
ends when they part, cross each other and run off in opposite directions. We
then practiced this through a few times until they could remember it and were
confident with it. Here are some pictures of me teaching and taking the
children through the choreography:
finish off the main part of the session, we put everything that we had done
together, starting at Eve’s solo and then through to the duet part including
the lift. We practiced this through a few times with the music to make sure
that they would be able to remember it. Here is a video of them practicing it
and me watching and assisting:
finish off the lesson I took Eve and Toby through a cool down to make sure that
they wouldn’t hurt any of their muscles. Here is a picture of us doing some
am really happy with the progression that we have made today. We have now
finished all of the choreography which needed to be taught to finish off this
section in the dance. I am really happy that I managed to choreograph some
moves on the spot too because it normally takes me a while to think of moves. We
will be coming back into the primary school next week for the last time to really
work on perfecting the moves. We will then be back in the new year when we will
go over all of the choreography and start to prepare for the show.
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