Tuesday 7th
the session today I was performing my monologue piece in front of the rest of
the group. Performing the piece to my peers enabled me to receive feedback from
others and helped me to gain confidence. However, before this we carried out a
full vocal warmup.
start the warmup we carried out some exercises to make sure that all of our body
muscles were nice and warm by doing some general body shakes from the feet
right up to the head. We then did our usual intercostal diaphragmatic breathing
exercise where we breathe in for 4 counts, hold for 6 and then breathe out for
12. We then did the EE OO and humming exercises to make sure that the lips were
warm to help with articulation. Next, we carried out some diction exercises
which would also help with our articulation and clarity. Finally, we finished the
warmup with some tongue twisters.
the warmup, I performed my piece for the group. At this current stage my piece
is still not ready to be performed for the final time because I am still not
100% certain with my lines and I feel like there are still some areas which I
could improve in. Hopefully I will be ready to perform this piece within the
next week or so. Here is a video of me performing the piece to the group and
then receiving some comments at the end from my peers and from my lecturer,
you can see from the video, my peers gave me feedback at the end of the
delivery. The main comments that they gave me where that I need to be able to
maintain the character by keeping the accent going throughout. The first half
of the monologue currently isn’t as effective as the second half so this needs
some work before the final delivery to ensure that the speech is more
believable. Another comment was that the separation of thoughts during the
speech was clearly shown by the movement around the space. Lastly, my
projection was clear throughout the piece which made it easy for the audience
to hear and understand what was being said.
think that this piece went well overall. However, I do still think that there
are some areas which I could improve in. For example, from watching back this
video, some of the ends of the lines aren’t very clear. This means that my
projection decreases towards the end of the lines. I need to be mindful of this
and work on this to make sure that when I come to deliver my final rendition,
the whole piece is very clear. I could do this by carrying out the diaphragm
kicks exercise more often, going over the lines again and again to ensure that
I know them and working on the pace of the delivery as this may help to improve
my projection. I also think that I need to work on the accent a bit more. The
accent then enables me to make sure that my diction is the best that it can be.
I will continue to work on this piece and hopefully it will be ready soon to
perform for the final time.
An insightful post here Charlotte. You fully understand how and why you apply voice production techniques and are also able to identify specific exercises to help you to do this.