Monday, 18 December 2017

Unit 25 - Choreographing dance

Wednesday 8th November
I was working on my own in today’s session because my dance teacher, Laura was unable to make it to the session. Although she wasn’t in the session, she set ne some work to get on with.
I did not need to carry out a warmup at the start of this session because my muscles were already warm from the session before and therefore I moved straight onto the tasks.
The first piece of work that I was given was to go over the choreography which I taught in the primary school last Friday. This is currently an ongoing project where I go into the primary school to teach 2 children a dance which will then be performed in the end of year showcase. Before we went to the school to teach the children, we choreographed some moves which they would be doing together. My task for this lesson was to go over the moves that we choreographed last week and to start thinking about what other choreography can be added. After having a think about what I would like to put in the rest of the duet part, I thought that Eve and Toby may be able to carry out a small simple lift because they are both very capable. The lift would be something very small and simple such as Eve jumping and Toby supporting her. I then just thought that Eve and Toby could do another small bit of choreography together as there is time in the music before I then enter.
The other task that I was given was to think about what choreography could go at the start of the piece. We now have 2 more children in the dance and they will be performing right at the start of this number. This is because it is going to symbolise the characters growing up. The song will start with 2 young children and then as the characters get older, the person playing the character will change. I now need to think of some choreography which the youngest children can do. This part of the routine won’t be completely choreographed because it will have more of a playful feel to it. However, there are still going to be some choreographed elements to it.

Next week I will be able to show Laura what I have come up with this week and share my ideas with her.

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