Thursday 10 May 2018

Unit 24 - Auditions for actors

Tuesday 1st May
Today I was carrying on developing my Shakespeare monologue.
We carried out a thorough warmup and then moved on to working on the piece.
To start with, I found it quite hard to get into my character and focus on the piece. This is because when I have been working on the piece, I have been by myself with my lecturer so I haven’t had to perform it to anyone. Therefore, today in this lesson, I began to feel a bit of pressure when running through the speech even though it wasn’t my finalised rendition. I received some good advice from my peers as they saw that I was struggling. After the first time running through the piece, they told me to relax because I was beginning to get frustrated about how I was portraying the character. When I ran through the piece for the second time, it was a lot better because I was much more relaxed than the first time and the lines came more naturally to me than the first time.

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