Saturday, 13 January 2018

Unit 7 - Theatre in education

In preparing the hypothetical budget sheet, we will need to carry out some research to find out the going rates for the roles within the production.
For our production, we have decided that we are going to use company wage. Company wage is when each member of the cast and crew is paid an equal amount. This is a great method to use for actors who have just come out of drama school. However, this method may be a problem if a member of the cast or crew believes that their role is more important in the crew and they believe that they should receive a higher wage than everyone else.
If I was applying for funding from the Arts council, the predicted hypothetical budget falls below the £15000 threshold, so in theory, we shouldn’t have too much trouble getting funding for this production. If we were applying for more than £15000, it might be more of a challenge. As we are a disability theatre company providing entertainment and education within our community, our chances of gaining funding for the production are very good.

Rehearsal room hire (3 5 day weeks) £2400 (£20 per hour)
Performance space hire £160 (£20 per hour)
Company wage equity minimum £458 per week per person
4x actor/ASM £1832 per week
1x actor/director £458 per week
1x sound/light technician £458 per week
Costumes £150 in total
Props £150 in total
Stage furniture £200 in total
Makeup £30 in total
Travel costs £20 (to and from venue)
Subsistence No payments
Marketing/posters/programmes £25 in total
Total = £11379

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