Sunday, 19 November 2017

Unit 37 - Dance performance

Wednesday 1st November
Todays lesson was mainly focused on discussion of different topics relating to the homework that we had been set over half term. The homework was to create a memory board of 3 or more memories which are significant to us. For each of the memories we needed to think about each of the senses – touch, sound, taste, smell and sight. We had to find either pictures or small items which we could stick onto the memory board which would remind us of that memory. Here is a picture of my memory board:
As you can see from the picture, I decided to pick 4 memories. The top left memory is DisneyWorld 2013 and for this memory I had pictures of me and my brother stood in front of the castle (sight), doughnuts (smell), mickey shaped treats (taste), parade music lyrics (sound) and the characters (touch). In the bottom right hand corner is the memory of dancing in London 2015. The pictures that I used for this were me and my group of friends and the auditorium (sight), small purple sequins (touch), hairspray (taste and smell) and clapping (sound). The memory in the top right hand corner was my memory of year 11. For this I used pictures of me and some friends and exam paper (sight), lyrics from a song which I listened to a lot at the time (sound), the perfume I wore at the time (smell) and mint polos (taste). Lastly, the memory in the bottom right hand corner was starting at RNC. The pictures that I have chosen show me and my new friends (sight), the bottled water in the bistro (taste), canes rolling on the ground (sound), washing powder from home (smell) and braille (touch).
The reason why I picked these memories is because they are all quite different from each other. They all come with a different emotion. For example, DisneyWorld comes with happiness and excitement which is a complete contrast to year 11 which I associate with the emotions of stress and anxiety.
Once we had talked through our memory boards, we had discussion about what memory, out of the ones that we have shown on the memory board, we would like to relive. I said my dancing in London memory because this brings back so many different positive feelings and it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to have.

After this discussion we moved on to talk about the purpose of these memory boards and what we will be using them for. Over the up and coming weeks, we will be creating a piece of dance which will relate to these memories. When choreographing the dance we will have to think about the different senses included in all of the memories and use our memory boards to help us along the way. Our homework for next week is to find a song that we think will suit at least one of the memories. We will then start choreographing a dance to this piece.

1 comment:

  1. I was impressed with how much time and thought you gave this piece of homework - you clearly understood the task and the relevance of it - it contributed greatly to the session and will give you more stimulus to draw upon in the devising sessions.
