Saturday 24 February 2018

Unit 7 - Theatre in education

Feedback from the Theatre in Education performance

After the performance, I have been receiving lots of feedback from many people regarding the show. I received some emails from some of my teachers who came to watch the performance.
The email below is from Jane Lush who is my tutor in college:

Hi Folks,
Just wanted to say again congratulations on a fantastic performance. All the characters were really well-defined. You looked brilliant and projected excellently .As I said I could hear every word . You held the audience’s attention throughout.
Good luck for your performance tomorrow.I think the children will love you!

Best wishes

Another email which I received was from my pastoral support worker (PSO), Cathy.

Hi Charlotte,
You already know that I think the play was fantastic, because I have told you. However, the sheer responsibility of writing the play, performing in it, directing it and also the production shows a truly exceptional young woman, who I have the honour of key working. Whatever you do, you will always shine AND you are so modest about it! Kindest regards,

I was delighted to receive these emails because it made me think that all my work has paid off. The week after the performance, I created a survey which I sent out to staff and students at college. Some of the results are as follows:

As well as the data shown in the graphs, there were also some written responses for some of the questions. Some of the answers are below:

I have also received the feedback from the children at Lord Scudamore Academy. Originally, they only sent us a picture of one evaluation form which they had collated from one of the classes which attended the performance. However, about a week after the performance, we receive an envelope filled with evaluation forms from the children. Here are some pictures of some of the evaluation forms:

I really enjoyed looking through these evaluation forms as it has shown that we have been able to convey important messages in the show which we picked up by the children and also find out what their favourite things were about the show.

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