Saturday, 28 April 2018

Unit 59 - Music in the community

Thursday 19th April
We were using this session today to prepare some materials for the music workshop which I will be assisting Kev with, in a few weeks time. We are due to have an initial meeting with Kev very soon to discuss what the workshop will entail and what we will need to prepare in the run up to the workshop. We are planning to hold the workshop with LOOK UK which is a charity which works with young people and their families affected by visual impairment. 
There are a few things to think of in the meantime before the workshop such as making sure that everyone in the workshop is included. This is because we are going to have quite a large age range within the group so we need to think of a way in which all of the clients will be able to participate. This may involve me thinking on my feet during the workshop because some people may be struggling during the workshop but then others may be really comfortable with the activities. Something else that I need to consider is encouraging group discussion and participation. Most of the children in the group probably won’t have met before so therefore we need to make sure that everyone gets to know each other a bit at the start of the session. 
For the rest of our session we were having a go at some exercises which I could use for the workshop. Cara, Molly, Kellyann and I each had a drum which we used for many different activities. Here are some videos of us carrying out some activities:
As you can see from the videos above, there are many different exercises which we can carry out using the drums which explore different aspects such as dynamic and rhythm. 

1 comment:

  1. A pleasing first start to this unit Charlotte, you already have some dynamic drumming ideas for your workshop.
