Monday, 2 April 2018

Unit 64 - Singing techniques in performance

Tuesday 13th March
Today we were working with Sam to run through all of the songs for the singing performance which we will be performing next week.
We spent the whole lesson working through the songs. There were a few moments where we had to stop and start to make sure that both Cara and Sam were playing in the right key and we were also given amendments along the way.

There was only one thing during this rehearsal which we worked on and that was the movement during the song ‘We’re going to Ibiza’. This song will be sung by Molly and the backup vocals will be sung by Kellyann, Robert and I. At the moment, the song is quite static so we added in some sways and some movements on the ‘woahs’ in the last chorus. This will hopefully give the song some dynamic and make it more interesting for the audience.

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