Theatre in education schedule
Monday 11th September – start to carry out research into how and where Theatre
in Education originated. Consider target audience and make contact with them
(Sarah Watkins).
Monday 18th September – continuing on the research which was started last
Monday 25th September – finish off the research and make sure that it is
uploaded onto my blog. Create some notes which I will then be able to use when
giving my presentation to the rest of the group.
Thursday 28th September – give a presentation to the group about what research I
have carried out into Theatre in Education.
Tuesday 3rd October – propose ideas relating to the theme which has been
chosen for the performance (group discussion and lyric brainstorming).
Thursday 5th October - meet with Sarah at Lord Scudamore Primary, to discuss
potential storylines or strands within the chosen theme (am). Commence devising
and brainstorming with group (pm).
Thursday 12th October – review material that was created last week and develop
the piece further. Make creative decisions about scene structure. Evaluate
potential of each strand or story. Commence writing up script. Consider name
title for show.
Thursday 19th October – work with draft script, add movement notes plus stage
positions and stage furniture.
Monday 30th October – refresher, review first scenario. No rehearsal on
November 2nd due to EXTANT workshop.
Thursday 9th November – working on the Sweetie Monster scene. Working on
teachers scene (Danielle). Liaise with technical team re: production
Thursday 16th November – review whole production so far. Consider any other
elements that need to be included.
Thursday 23rd November – production meeting 1:00pm. Review script and add SFX and lighting cues. Prioritise any remaining devising. Work on the transitions between the scenes.
Thursday 30th November – script should be complete or very close to completion. Continue to work on any parts which may need amending slightly.
Tuesday 5th December - Alys from UCAN production to come in and give the performance some feedback. This feedback will be taken into consideration and necessary adjustments will be made to the script.
Tuesday 5th December - Alys from UCAN production to come in and give the performance some feedback. This feedback will be taken into consideration and necessary adjustments will be made to the script.
Thursday 7th December – continue rehearsal of the script. Work on scenes in the script which may need further development.
Thursday 11th January – Sophie (director of Pentabus theatre company) is coming in to watch the performance and give feedback.
Sunday 14th January - rehearsal with the tech team. Investigate the lighting and sound effects which will be used throughout the performance.
Sunday 14th January - rehearsal with the tech team. Investigate the lighting and sound effects which will be used throughout the performance.
Thursday 18th January – work through the whole performance and make sure that the piece is ready to be performed to an audience.
Wednesday 24th January - tech and dress rehearsal of the performance. This particular performance will be infront of peers at college who will then give us some feedback at the end of the performance which will enable us to do any necessary last minute changes.
Wednesday 24th January - tech and dress rehearsal of the performance. This particular performance will be infront of peers at college who will then give us some feedback at the end of the performance which will enable us to do any necessary last minute changes.
Thursday 25th January – final performance starting at 1:45pm for the children of Lord Scudamore Academy.
A professional plan with key dates, milestones and evidence of your methodical approach to tasks.