Sunday, 11 February 2018

Unit 64 - Singing techniques in performance

Thursday 1st February
This morning I was practicing through some of my songs.
To start the session, I carried out a full singing warmup with my lecturer, Cara which involved breathing, scales and arpeggios. We then moved on to running through a few songs.
To start off with, we practiced through the songs which I am preparing for the singing performance. I am practicing these songs at any given opportunity so I should be ready to sing them in time for the singing performance. After I had finished singing through ‘Mr Blue Sky’, ‘In the Summertime’ and ‘The Sweet Escape’, my teacher gave me a comment about how she thinks I am doing in regards to my singing. She said that when I am relaxed, my singing voice is so much better as it sounds fluid and moves really well. This means that I should try to be more relaxed when I sing because it will improve my performance. Here is a video of me singing through 'Mr Blue Sky':

After I had finished going over the songs for the singing performance, I went over the songs from the Theatre in Education piece last week. This is because we are recording the songs later on this afternoon in the recording studio and I wanted to practice them before I got in the studio. This meant that the songs were now fresh in my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Some footage of your solo pieces in development would be useful at this point.
